Mohammed Rahman, PhD
Senior Advanced Analytics Scientist
Mohammed Rahman, PhD is currently working as Senior Advanced Analytics Scientist for the Office of Institutional Research and Planning at The Ohio State University. In this position he is responsible for conceptualizing and leading a new area in IRP Advanced Analytics. Dr. Rahman engages in advanced statistical modeling, predictive analytics, projections, forecasting, data mining, use of thick data (quantitative and qualitative), machine learning, learning analytics and employing analytics through an equity lens. He received a Master of Applied Statistics degree in 1994 and his PhD in Quantitative Research, Evaluation and Measurement in Education in 2000 from Ohio State. Prior to his current position, Dr. Rahman worked for the Office of the Chief Information Officer for over 20 years in different capacities. He also taught advanced statistics classes as an Adjunct Associate Professor at Ohio State for multiple years. He has ten peer-reviewed publications and 15 conference presentations.