Institutional Data

This page contains the Common Data Set, used to respond to publisher surveys (like U.S. News and World Report), and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) Data Feedback Reports. These reports compare Ohio State to other universities using various metrics. The most recent Economic Impact Study is also available below.
Picture shows an outdoor sign for The Ohio State University.

Common Data Set

Seal of The Ohio State University on a concrete block.

2022 IPEDS Data Feedback Report

Economic Impact Study

The Economic Impact of The Ohio State University is an analysis of the regional and statewide economic impact of Ohio State in 2019 and was commissioned by the Enterprise for Research, Innovation and Knowledge in collaboration with units and colleges across the university. The study also features estimated economic impacts of campus locations and university units including the Wexner Medical Center, Athletics, Ohio State Extension, and the Transportation Research Center, Inc., an affiliate of Ohio State.